As the year comes to a close, the next step is where the seniors will go from here. The possibilities range from the next young model, to the next NFL football player, but one is to push on with education in college to pursue a profession; a noble and honorable decision if understanding what occupation some want to fulfill is their main concern. The students attending a college next fall should be congratulated before they’re graduated.
To those putting forth their education first: bravo. They act as perfect examples for what the future of our society depends on, dedication. With dedication, our faction of intelligent individuals will thrive in a generation of such. Our examples are the future for the passing generations, so it is up to this one to make change and formulate positivity in society. Those moving on carry the traits necessary for the future of mankind– scary isn’t it?
The fact is, we are growing more positive and thinking outside of the box, creating originality in every single way, and influencing independent choice. With those going to universities, or even a community college, their independent choice is what will influence the rest of their lives. Parental structure can no longer linger over the heads of those individuals choosing their way of living as independent adults.
Parents are practically letting their younglings fly out of the nest and into the world. Freedom and independence is positive for our development, both individually and socially. They enable critical thinking and understanding over subjects of personal concern; people need individual insight, and parents letting their children go is gifting that presence of personal conscious. This is represented by the counterculture usually seen jumping from home-life to college-life.
With summer abroad the passing wave of final testing and tedious homework assignments, seniors are ecstatic of the future ahead just sitting in the palms of their hands. These seniors will be the prelude of the next graduating class, and the conclusion to the previous, but they stand as an example to what the future consists of. And how maybe one day with our individual thinking, plus interpersonal relations with others, we can conduct a positive society for factions to come.