Donations and grants have been given to the robotics club as they seek to attend their spring competition at an in-state college.
Senior Robert Hall stated, “We had a meeting and started brainstorming ideas to get the first $10,000 before the first competition.” The club is still raising money, however it appears robotics will have enough for the first competition. They have not reached their goal yet for fundraising nonetheless, robotics is still applying for grants to meet their goal. Hall added, “Currently we are applying for a grant you can get from Boeing… and we’re thinking about doing some school fundraisers.” The competition would be with several other schools all of which would be competing against each other.
Senior Charlie Waldren explained, “Some of it comes from tax credits, each family can assign one and that helps us build up some money.” Grants are also being used to help pay for the college, the FRC rookie grant would pay for the competition in full and also leave money leftover. Waldren added, “The FRC rookie grant would essentially cover the first competition and gives you a little bit extra for part sourcing as well as a parts kit at the beginning of the year.” The competitions are a team effort and every member brings a new aspect and skill allowing them to work together.
Robotics Teacher Jessica Popham explained, “The competition we are hoping to compete in is called First Robotics Competition or FRC, FRC generally starts in January and in January we find out what the game is so right now we’re just doing all the prep work and gathering money.” Once they know the game, they will begin building a robot which they have until March to complete.
Robotics is seeking to raise $10,000, $6,000 for the competition and an additional $4,000 for extra parts and tools. Robotics intends to reach out to these organizations and firms to fundraise for their competition, with its members being confident in their ability to reach the money required for the competition.