Link Crew continuing annual freshmen orientation
Link Crew member, Noah Plant getting ready for freshmen orientation
As we start to transition back to in-person school, freshman orientation has been on the priority list. Since the online school has been in full effect, an orientation was not needed. Once the school board decided to go back to in-person instruction, Link Crew and the faculty have decided that they are going to conduct an orientation on October 12th.
Freshman Orientation is in high-demand. It allows the freshmen to stabilize their fears and maintain comfort, “The freshmen need to know what is going on. Could you imagine going to school and not knowing what is happening?” Principal Dan Serrano addressed.
Link Crew has taken the responsibility of conducting orientation outside to maintain safety for all students: “The precautions we take is to practice social distancing by being outside,” Eric Rygeil, Link Crew Director states.
Other school grades have also been affected with the abstract freshman orientation, they believe that there will be a lot less freshman than expected, “There is going to be a lot less freshman show up making the groups smaller for [Link Crew] and school.” previous Link Crew member, senior Gracie Stapley states.
For Orientation the Link Crew leaders (upperclassmen) will guide the freshmen around the school, as well as doing bonding activities to prepare students for the new change.
Orientation is a necessary part of going back to school senior Link Crew member Hunter Hammet expresses that, “The team bonding exercises really makes you feel like you are not alone and that many others are in the same boat as you.”
This is a stressful time for freshmen and Link Crew, the Link Crew club had to meet at the school on Sept. 29th at 6 am to discuss and go over the plan for freshman orientation, “We did that to prepare for the certain protocols that we are required to have for meeting,” Hammet explains.
Having a later orientation than expected worries everyone, particularly the freshmen, “I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to go to the school and see the layout,” freshman Issac Brown claims.
Although freshmen have not had the chance to see the school yet, getting to know their teachers and peers makes the transition easier, “I am not too nervous for school because I know more people from online class,” freshman Isabella Issac said.
Freshman orientation is a necessity; although it is not essential for people to continue online school. Many students are making the option to stay online, “We’re gonna have no freshman show up simply because there are kids continuing online school instead of coming back because of their parents,” Stapley states.
This year is going to be changed in all aspects, students will be required to wear masks, lunch will be different; as well as, passing periods. Freshmen will be affected throughout the year especially because of the abstract orientation. “I think that this year will be different and will change us all… ,” Brown claims.

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