Link Crew helps incoming freshmen start the new school year
photo contributed by Eric Rygiel
Link Crew holds a banner at freshmen orientation, familiarizing the freshmen with the campus.
The new class of freshmen are being given more opportunities by Link Crew this year to help stay connected within the new school year. The members are finding ways such as giving informations on football games, to giving the new students a new friend on campus.
Instituting connections can “give a sense of purpose of coming to school and making an investment towards the future of high school life,” co-head of link crew/teacher Eric Rygiel explains.
This incoming school year, Link Crew members, which consist of junior and senior students, have started out the year with the Freshmen Freeze out. The Freeze Out
“started out last year … [as a way of] trying to keep our freshmen connected with their Link Crew leaders from freshman orientation,’’ co-head of Link Crew/teacher Angella Figueroa said.
It was an event that allowed freshmen get out of class 20 minutes early to meet with the Link Crew leaders, giving the new students a strong relationship to someone at school.
Student population has seen an increase on school grounds, being more dominated with new people every year. With such a populated school, it may be challenging to reach out to
someone and create relationships. This supports the mission of Link Crew to build mutual connections with the class of new freshmen.
Where in a school environment, there can be the “lack of authentic relationships,’’ Rygiel said. However, the members of Link Crew are finding ways to give the new students tips on ways to maneuver around high school to create friendships. It is meant to be “changing the dynamics of what it means to be a high scholar,’’Rygiel further explains.
To illustrate a sense of involvement, the school is made out to be a whole system. Everyone is given its sense of purpose and role in the system. It stirs the sense of fitting in to the freshmen to be more devoted to the upcoming four years of high school.
It is important to include the “involvement and that [the students] feel more invested to establish a purpose of coming to school,’’ Rygiel said.
For new students progressing into high school, having a new start can be intimidating to certain people; Link Crew sets out to clarify that common misconception that school does not have to be a nervous and scary time, setting out to aid and establish more connections within the school.
“The club is a transition from freshman to high school,” junior Link Crew member Kylee Engelke said.
Many Link Crew members have been associated with the new class and helping the freshmen adjust to the new start of the school year. It is an act of kindness that every school, teacher, and student strives for.