Annual homecoming haunted house success
Perry Varsity Football team comes out during the Homecoming Assembly, Friday September 18 in the main gym.
September 22, 2015
The stars did collide at the Homecoming Carnival on Sept.17. The carnival featured booths from all kinds of clubs including Culinary, Perry Pipes, Early Childhood, Drama Club, and many more.
Clubs use this as an opportunity to advertise and to fundraise. Senior Drama Club officer Hannah Brown explains, “It’s a fundraiser so we can go on more trips and send people to nationals.”
Drama club also had their annual haunted house they had spent weeks preparing. The club began decorating as soon as the building cleared after school. They had to cover all sources of light throughout the hallways and decorate accordingly before people began lining up.
Brown was excited prior to their big night, “There’s a lot of people participating, it’s really fun.” The students see this as one their most fun and exciting nights where they can go full out. Makeup, costumes, and acting: all were creatively done to make the haunted house the best it can be. Junior Lila Brandt, officer of the drama club, explains how they look forward to this night all year. “It’s a tradition; we do it every year for the carnival.”
The haunted house featured seven rooms in which about 70 students were dispersed, dressed and ready to scare. The house was one of the main attractions of the carnival with a line wrapped along the side of the C building. Junior Cindy Ha went through and really enjoyed it all around, “It was really cool. It was really dark and there were a lot of people screaming.”
The night was a chance for different clubs to get more exposure and for the students to learn a little more about what Perry has to offer.