One Stugo Member Stood Out Big Homecoming Week

Junior Tanner Phillips is one of many members in Student Government that was involved in the craze of preparing for homecoming week. She has been apart of the student government since her sophomore year. She regrets not joining her freshman year, but she enjoys every moment she can being apart of Stugo.

Tanner was a big part of setting up the homecoming carnival. Each person in the Student Government is split up into committees at the start of each school quarter. “I helped with the contacting and confirming clubs as well as planning jobs for each Student Government member,” Tanner explains. Without the help of Tanner, none of the clubs would’ve got some money from the carnival.

Since homecoming week was filled with a bunch of things such as spirit days, the carnival, the assembly, and the dance, it was tough for Stugo members to adjust to their busy schedules. “During homecoming week, it really took a toll on all of us, but we managed to juggle school and our personal lives,” Tanner said.

Although homecoming week is one of the busiest weeks of the entire year for stugo, they still have so much fun doing it all. “It’s a great bonding experience for all of us to have so early in the year,” Tanner said, with a smile on her face.