Made with Love Market creates atmosphere for local business and family fun
“This is truly a family event, even vendors have their children working with them in their booths (they may or may not be using their adorable children to push products)
The Made with Love Market is the perfect addition to a quintessential Saturday morning. Located just outside of the San Tan Mall (near Dillard’s), this market is open from nine to one every Saturday morning. Local vendors come out and sell a variety of goods from typical market selections–soaps and tacos and jewelry–to less common items such as spices, dog collars, and laser cut home decor.
The market is perfect for picking out a gift, trying something new, or just hanging out and exploring what each vendor has to offer. There’s the perfect amount of variety and vendors–not too many to be overwhelming, but not too little that there’s no options. From names you might’ve seen before like the Chandler/GIlbert food truck staple, Waffle Love, to new businesses such as tea and candle company, The for Real Shop. This is truly a family event, even vendors have their children working with them in their booths (they may or may not be using their adorable children to push products).
The venue is outside, well-spaced, and not too crowded. Masks are required and there are signs placed throughout encouraging that they are worn properly. This makes it a perfect place to spend time with family and friends while staying safe and maintaining social distancing.
Because of the pandemic, many of these local businesses were hit hard. This is the perfect opportunity to get out and support them. One sign reads, “When you support a small business, you’re supporting a dream” and that couldn’t be more true.
It’s a great feeling to buy something and know exactly where it came from and who you’re supporting. “Thank you for supporting our family!” isn’t something you’d hear shopping from Target or the grocery store. Additionally, while products may cost an extra dollar or two, the quality will certainly make up for it.
Mama’s Cold Brew had the best coffee I’ve ever tasted (a cold brew with brown sugar oat milk). The vendor took the time to understand what I like and made helpful suggestions which made it a worthy treat. I didn’t even know I liked oat milk, but now I’m sure I’ll definitely be going back for more.
One booth had all shapes and sizes of different crystals. There was delicate jewelry and decorative pieces. I picked up a rose quartz necklace with a sterling silver chain for only $15. Although crystals are considered pseudoscience and often mocked, they have been known to create a powerful placebo effect and are beautiful to look at. Who’s going to say no to extra positive energy anyways?
Another one of my favorite booths sold different soaps and bath products. As a person who loves bath bombs but is too busy to take baths, I found the shower steamers very appealing. I have yet to try the product but the vendor’s young kids were too good of salespeople to say no to.
Once you’re done over at the Made with Love market, feel free to pop by Vintage and Vino (where the Disney store used to be) and browse even more handmade items. Some of the Made with Love vendors even have their extended lines in the shop. Whether you’re looking for a specific gift or just wandering around, looking for inspiration, the Made with Love Market is the perfect destination for your Saturday morning.

Lindsey is a high school senior and is in her third year of newspaper. She is the Double Truck Editor and covers running and food reviews. She loves long...