Disney dragging out “Toy Story” movies
The phrase “enough is enough” is a very well known phrase. Although many may think that this phrase is used for certain situations, this phrase can be used to describe Disney’s “Toy Story” tetralogy.
The story of the toys coming to life is widely known, but was it necessary to make four movies about it?
Disney was extremely successful with the first three “Toy Story” films, ending the third one at an acceptable place. Just when the audience thought they were going to say goodbye to the beloved “Toy Story” Trilogy in 2010, Disney comes out with the fourth “Toy Story” nine years later.
The fourth film was not needed, the third film had already shown the previous toy’s owner, Andy, give them away to a little girl as he went off to college.
The story should have ended there.
The end scene to “Toy Story 3” was an emotional one, and wrapped up the toy’s adventures together all throughout the films. “Toy Story 4” opened up the adventures again. Needless to say, the producers could have just forgotten all about the emotional ending to “Toy Story 3” since they were going to bring the toys back to life again.
The fourth film involved the toys going on a road trip with their new owner, Bonnie. The toys get separated and they have to find their way back to Bonnie and get reunited again. Throughout the movie, the toys meet new toys and they all work together to get back to their owners. The film had nothing significant that made it stand out or add a huge impact to the other films, it is just there.
The movie ends in somewhat of an emotional scene, with toys saying goodbye to their old pals, but it was not as effective at the third movie. By making a fourth “Toy Story”, it was just Disney’s way to make more money for the company, when there was really no need to.
Disney should have left the “Toy Story” movies as a trilogy, this would have left the movie with a solid ending, and not leaving fans thinking: “enough is enough.”

Tiffany Martinez is a junior in high school who is a first year staff reporter, she will be covering Football, StuGo, and the Art Dept. She loves to go...