Mad Max: Fury Road plot out of fuel
Jasin Boland and MCT Campus Photos
Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron star in the film Mad Max: Fury Road (Warner Bros. Pictures)
May 20, 2015
Fast cars, dirt roads, a creepy deformed water dictator, and an abundance of fiery explosions pretty much sums up the newest installment of the Mad Max Series; Mad Max: Fury Road.
Directed by George Miller, the fourth movie hardly compares to the original 1979 version. Yes there are more explosions, yes there are more cinematography aspects, and yes even some cool stunts; but the plot of Fury Road is, in a word, lacking.
It’s not a “bad” movie, per say- action buffs will appreciate the effortlessly choreographed fight scenes, the jacked-up cars (like the 78’ Chrysler Valiant Charger hyped up on military grade tank chains in place of tiers and the 1937 Plymouth sedan that’s completely covered in rail road spikes to protect the outer shell of the vehicle), and the relatively attractive women walking around in nothing but sheets.
But that’s about it.
With all the great actions scenes and car chases, and the guy who plays the electric guitar throughout the movie (Yes this is real- a guy played the guitar on top of a big rig throughout the entire film), viewers are left with very little character interest, giving the movie a wanting feel.
The movie barely explains any important details-like why all of Immortan Joe’s children are misshapen and deformed. Or like how Imperator Furiosa is the only woman in a position of power (or how she lost her arm???).
Granted if you are familiar with the early movies, some of the qu
estions are answered based on context.
Still, there’s very little (almost no) character development or intrigue.There’s a miniscule love interest between Nux and one of the wives, that isn’t expanded on, and there’s no lead up to Imperator Furiosa’s reasons for treason-a fact that is only explained later on in the movie.
The only concrete thing about Fury Road is that Max and friends are running. Running from basically everything.and they have to drive. Quickly. To the Green Place (whatever that is, because once again, no explanation).
The movie just kind of happens, like a Frankenstein Movie Monster of random scenes. For Example: Immortan Joe’s wife climbing out of the bottom of the War Machine Big Rig…Where did she come from? And the sudden entrance of Nux into the movie…it was almost like a bad “Here I am!” moment.
The lack of character development, dings the overall movie. With characters who are hard to relate to or even understand, Mad Max: Fury Road falls short on the Great Movie Scale.