Perry is represented in the US Army All American Bowl again
Say “All American” to the average person and they probably think of top-level basketball or football teams. But Perry’s All Americans play for a different team—the marching band.
For the second time in as many years, the Puma Regiment has had two members named to the All American team.
Senior clarinet player Kelsey O’Brien and senior color guard captain Emily West have been selected to be a part of the 2015 All American marching band. This recognition is a distinct honor: only 125 students make it to the field, selected from thousands of applications across the country.
“I didn’t really recognize the email, I just clicked on it, it said ‘Congratulations’ and I just did a double take,” O’Brien says. “I couldn’t believe it…I just freaked out.”
The All American Band is only the climax to what has been four years of dedication for both girls.
At a ceremony held in their honor, West told how her devotion to color guard was sparked with a simple invitation to a clinic, where she gained an appreciation for the art.
“I thought it would be kind of a cool experience,” she says, “and from then I was able to grow that talent.”
O’ Brien tells a similar story: “I did it the first day and I came back and I wouldn’t shut up about it.”
Marching in the All American Bowl is quickly becoming a tradition for the Regiment’s top members. Last year Parker Kauffman and Gabrielle King represented PHS in the bowl. O’Brien says she really looked up to the two and held them as an example.
“Working with them was a privilege; they were very talented,” she says, “they both cared a lot about the program and had a great impact on it.”
The legacy Kauffman and King started is a torch O’Brien and West anticipate passing on.
“There are people in the program who have a good shot at the All-American,” O’Brien says. “We’re not the end of the line.”
The game will be aired live on NBC on Jan. 3 from the Alamodome Stadium in San Antonio.

Michelle is a senior at Perry High School. Her favorite colors are navy blue and purple, she loves grilled-cheese sandwiches and her favorite day of the...