To learn more about the culture and history of Europe, seniors Izzy Schmid, Michael Burns, Madi Samply and Caden Sicz went to the city of Prague.
The four developed a relationship through school prior to going on the trip. Sicz stated, “We went around the cities in Europe, Italy, Prague, a town outside of Prague.” Sicz saw a lot of sights to see throughout the towns and cities whilst he was there. Sicz said, “[We saw] the Charles Bridge, a lot of churches, the castle of Prague and the Lido Beach in Italy.” Sicz added, “It just showed that life moves fast and you gotta enjoy time with the people that you love.” Sicz’s uncle owns a home in Prague which gave these friends the opportunity to explore the city.
Schmid, Samply, Burns and Sicz got extremely close last summer. Schmid stated, “It was amazing. We went and we saw a bunch of different historical places like the castle and the bridge, and I think I learned a lot about friendship and the way that we could get along throughout the three weeks in Prague.” Schmid added, “It is so amazing seeing different parts of the country and how they live because it is so different from America and Caden’s uncle who took us, he lives there half the time so he could show us their way of living.” In Prague, there are less fast-food chains and more local restaurants and stores, highlighting their value of community which contrasts America where oftentimes America highlights individualism over community.
Burns met his friends Schmid, Samply and Sicz when they were underclassmen and has remained friends with each other since. Burns stated, “We’ve been friends for a while, all of last year we hung out together.” He added, “We took in our surroundings and enjoyed what we were seeing and how we were experiencing things most people won’t.” The four traveled from late June to early July and stayed in the Prague area and also went to Northwestern Italy. The four had an unforgettable time in Prague and strengthened their friendship.