What service does for Eagle Scout Anson Knoblach
Boyscout sophomore Anson Knoblach works on his character by doing service constantly. He has received his eagle scout for his much devoted work to the Boy Scout of America.
High school is a time where students can discover their hobbies and passions, for sophomore Anson Knoblach, he found that serving people is where he can find himself. Knoblach is part of the national organization of Boy Scouts, where “Service, community engagement, and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the program…”
One of Knoblach notable boy scout achievements was his Eagle Scout. An Eagle Scout is an award given to devout and deserving boy leaders after achieving a certain amount of service.
Knoblach had “to dress up in [his] uniform for the whole school day for [his] interview with the principal.” In order to be an Eagle Scout, Knoblach had to conduct a larger service project, giving him the highest rank of scouting. Many boy scouts like Knoblach have been preparing for this high honor most of their adolescence. To be eligible for this right you must gather a number of merit badges but “Don’t let the number of merit badges scare you away. With exposure to a uniquely hands-on learning experience and the opportunity to earn merit badges reflecting each Scout’s budding interests.”
Not only is Knoblach contributing to the community through the Boy Scouts program but in his spare time “[He] likes to do service with my friends because it is something [he] genuinely enjoys.” Sparrow club has welcomed Knoblach and his many efforts to help others but his love for service is completely personal.
Boy Scouts of America not only focuses on the community but trains older scouts to help in the program “I do a lot of flag ceremonies and I help the younger scouts know what it means to be a good leader,” said Knoblach.
Being a boy scout prepares these teenagers to become better people but also develops “survivability skills and learns a lot of skills that a normal person would not learn because you’re exposed more to the outdoors.” said Knoblach.
Starting in kindergarten children can begin their journey of becoming a charitable citizen, “With Cub Scouts, which is more leader led, then can grow into the Boy Scout program, which is more boy led,” said Knoblach. This journey is supposed to lead these scouts to discover their individuality and help them gain a love for the outdoors and helping the community.
The Eagle Award that Knoblach has worked for since his Cub Scout age helped him receive a patch and recognition for achieving the highest honor. “Now I am looked at higher because I know everything that needs to be known to become a leader,” said Knoblach.
“Service is an integral part and I have done around 75 hours alone for Boy Scouts but it’s required for some advancements… but I like to contribute and do cheerful service,” said Knoblach. His intentions vary but his Boy Scout journey was all able to happen because of his leadership in service.

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