Newspaper adviser Damien Tippett
Mug shot of staff reporter Ernesto Chacon.
Watergate Shows the Greatness of our Country
The 70’s brought equal rights to minorities, women’s rights, an anti-war movement, and Watergate. This time period is mostly forgotten over the darkness that the white house summoned upon it self. Watergate exposed the United States government in a way that invalidated its credit, but it also proved how great this country is.
On June 17, 1972 the Washington Post published its first of several articles that would expose president Nixon’s involvement with the Watergate hotel break in. After thorough investigations Nixon became the first president to resign in history 2 years after the initial burglary.
During this time many american people lost their trust with the U.S. Government, but this exposé of Nixon was only possible by the same government that people mistrusted.
Watergate demonstrated the abusive powers a president can have but it also showed the power that the american people have.
In this country we live in, we are able to exercise our right to free speech, and through this act people were able to display the wrongdoings of the White House. In most countries; especially during the Watergate era, exposing the government the way Bob Woodward did, could have caused imminent danger to them or to their family.
The Watergate scandal brought the american people together, protests ensued to rightfully question our government. These protests almost caused the impeachment of Nixon. Watergate also gave reporters confidence to question our government when something does not seem right, like the Iran-Contra affair. In the midst between all of the american people’s disgust and anger, there lied an appreciation for the strength the american people can bring.
People will always have a distrust for the government after the Watergate scandal, but many forget how this country has given us the freedom to shed light upon these wrong doings.