2014 choir: ‘Songs of the World’ loud and proud

Choir concert prepares their next song at their first concert on September 19.

Most students come to school knowing that a day of textbooks, teachers, and tests awaits them. But those in Perry choirs have something more exciting to look forward to in their day. Choir students have the opportunity to express themselves beyond the bounds of singing to the radio or in the shower.

Choir director Joe Little believes that being in choir is more than just a chance to sing with friends.

“We do a lot of things that try to get people working together, making friends, and working towards a common goal. We have an end product of what all of us do together at the same time.”

Little has implemented a fun and comfortable setting for students to learn, but also to create friendships. No one is a stranger in this program due to hilarious name-games and team building activities that create lasting memories and friendships.

The new school year has brought many new faces to the choir program. One such new face is senior Loren McClure, class president of the Intermediate Choir.

McClure commented that, in just the first few weeks, the class has benefited from “a lot of fundamental learning. In just the first few weeks, there has been great improvement.”

McClure looks forward the improvement of his skills and the skills of his classmates for the year to come. “I am excited to be able to show off what we have accomplished, which is a lot.”

Little believes that even with all of the new singers, the transition this year will be a smooth one because everyone is “really trying hard” and “are willing to work.” This attitude fuels the creativity of a program such as choir, and is what brings students back year after year.

One such student is senior Sarah Chapple. Chapple is class president of the Concert Choir and has taken choir since her freshman year.

“Part of the reason that I have been in choir for so long is just because I love to sing and it makes me happy. Also, I like the atmosphere of working together to produce something that makes me proud to say that I am a part of something.”

This feeling of pride is universal in the choir program because there is much to be proud of. All four choirs performed in their first concert on Thursday, September 18. The theme of the concert was “Songs of the World,” where traditional and foreign music emphasized the value of diversity. Each choir was unique in both talent and sound, and all performed their music beautifully. The success of the concert is sure sign of accomplishment, and has started the year out on an optimistic note.

Every aspect of the choir program is an invitation to make music, meet new people, and learn life skills such as teamwork and taking pride in all that you do.