Truly a Margin Call

If you’re scrolling through the list of movies on Netflix and just can’t find a good one to watch, ‘Margin Call’ will most definitely solve your problem.

‘Margin Call’ is a 2011 film directed by J.C. Chandor that focuses on the 2008 financial collapse. With very few like it, Chandor has managed to put out a movie that is unique, suspenseful, and enlightening. The movie revolves around Seth Bregman (Penn Badgley), Sam Rogers(Kevin Spacey), and Peter Sullivan(Zachary Quinto) who work for a massive Wall Street investment bank right during the peak of the U.S. economy. Chandor starts the movie with a very emotional and accurate depiction of lay-offs at the investment bank with Eric Dale (Seth and Peter’s boss) being one of the many to be let go. Right before being escorted out of the office, Eric hands Peter a flash drive stating, “Be careful,” and that is right where the chaos begins.

‘Margin Call’ is a must-see of 2011 films due to its creativity and relevance to today’s economic situations. With much important dialogue and a suspenseful story, ‘Margin Call’ will leave you feeling like you were right there with the actors the entire time. The only thing ‘Margin Call’ doesn’t include is a strong ending. Events build up and build up, but there wasn’t that moment where everything came together. For much of the movie, you are waiting for that ‘last scene’, and it felt like Chandor in a way left it out. But on the other hand, he executed a successful independent film that was very realistic and brought forth actual content that shows what was happening on Wall Street at that time.

So, if you have a few hours on your plate and want to see spectacular acting, pure greed, and you are willing to hear CEOs arguing with each other to determine the fate of our future, ‘Margin Call’ will satisfy your needs.