Summer school: how and why

How and why to apply for summer school

It happened again. They failed their class. If this happens again, they might have to become a super Senior.

Well, that does not have to happen. There is another option: summer school.

Ooh, that sounds bad. However, summer school is a better option compared to super senior if college is in mind.

So how would someone get a summer school class?

First of all, that someone should know why they are planning on it. As the PHS website says, “Students who need to make up a credit, grade replace, or free up a period next school year” have reason to take summer school.

Why do they need to know the ‘why?’

Well, the PHS website prices a semester credit at $181 each, a hefty price to pay, so summer school would be less expensive if the student only used it out of pure necessity. In regards to the cost, the student should minimize the number of courses the take.

Now that the they know why they need summer school, how do they apply?

To register, “Students need to meet with their counselor to determine the course(s) they should take,” according to Jennifer Chandler, a coordinator for the summer academy program. “Once the courses are selected, the counselor inputs the information into Infinite Campus and an email is generated to the parents and student with payment information.” After that, the parents and student must pay the $181 price to complete registration.

We cannot stress enough the importance

— Jennifer Chandler

“A seat is reserved for the student once payment has been made through the IC portal,” Chandler said. Of course, no student is ensured a seat in their planned class unless they pay soon. Chandler further explains, “we cannot stress enough the importance of understanding that a recommendation in IC does not secure or reserve a seat.Unfortunately students often put off making the payment and by then the course is closed leading to great frustration on their part.” That fee of $181 is necessary to getting a spot in the class.

Well, now that registration and payment is complete, the student is ready to go to summer school. Now they can graduate right on time.